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1. Children attending kindergarten, day care centers and/or centers for early childhood education and care

【Eligible Institutions】

  • Kindergartens
  • Day care centers
  • Centers for early childhood education and care
  • Municipal-level childcare services
  • Corporate childcare

【Eligible children】

3 to 5years : Free-of-charge

*For kindergartens that are not under the new system of support for children and child-raising, up to 25,700 yen monthly

*The corporate childcare institutions shall deduct a fixed amount from the fees depending on the age of the child.

○In principle, the eligible period will start from April 1 that comes after the child turns 31 and end once the child enters elementary school.
 *1 When the kindergarten admissions open after the child turns 3.

○Transportation expenses, meal expenses and event fees shall continue to be paid by the parent/guardian.
However, the meal expenses shall be as follows:

  • Households with annual income of less 3.6 million yen shall be exempted from fees for non-staple foods (side dishes and snacks)
  • From the third child onwards of any household, fees for non-staple foods shall be exempted (side dishes and snacks)

*Kindergartens that are not under the new system of support for children and child-raising may need to complete procedures for licensing and reimbursement. Please contact your local municipal office.

0 to 2years : Free for the households with exemptions from municipal residence tax.

(Counting the oldest child attending day care centers as Child 1, Child 2 shall receive the services at half the price and Child 3 shall receive it for free. However, for households with an annual income of less than 3.6 million yen, the age of the first child is irrelevant)

*The corporate childcare institutions shall deduct a fixed amount from the fees depending on the age of the child.

2. Children using extended childcare services at kindergarten

【Eligible Institutions】

  • Extended childcare services at kindergarten

【Eligible children】

3 to 5years : Max JPY 11,300 will be exempted per month.

○Depending on the number of days of use, maximum 11,300 yen will be exempted, in addition to allowing the use of kindergarten.

*In order to be eligible for this exemption, "Need for childcare" must be recognized. In this case, proof of employment or other requirements must be met.

3. Children using unlicensed childcare institutions

【Eligible Institutions】

  • Childcare services at unlicensed nurseries
    Childcare services at unlicensed nurseries (including those originally certified by local governments, general unlicensed childcare institutions, baby-sitters, unlicensed childcare facilities within workplace), temporary childcare services, childcare services for sick children, family support center services.

【Eligible children】

3 to 5years : Up to 37,000 yen

0 to 2years : Households with exemptions from municipal residence tax are eligible. Up to 42,000 yen

*In order to be eligible for this exemption, you must apply at your local municipal office and your "Need for childcare" must be approved.
In this case, proof of employment or other requirements must be met.

*Only the children who are not enrolled in daycare center or center for early childhood education and care are eligible.

*Only unlicensed childcare institutions that have submitted their application to the prefectural government and meet the national standards.

4. Children availing of the development support for handicapped preschool children

【Eligible Institutions】

  • Child development services
    Child development services, medical services for child development, home-visit child development services, day-care/other visit services, welfare facilities offering disabled children homes, medical facilities offering disabled children homes.

【Eligible children】

Children who have turned 3 by April 1, and are yet to start their primary schooling

○Free for children attending multiple institutions such as kindergarten, day care centers or centers for early childhood education and care.

○Costs not included in the tuition fee shall be paid by the parent/guardian (medical expenses, meal expenses, etc.).